Every Grade In Jujutsu Kaisen ExplainedEvery Grade In Jujutsu Kaisen Explained


  • In Jujutsu Kaisen, the jujutsu community employs a hierarchical structure to distinguish the proficiency levels of sorcerers, cursed spirits, and cursed tools. Designations such as Grades 4 and 3 signify individuals with modest or novice abilities, while Grade 2 represents those with above-average skills. Grade 1, on the other hand, serves as the benchmark for leadership qualities. Additionally, there exists a distinct category known as Special Grades, reserved for individuals who wield extraordinary and unimaginable jujutsu powers.
  • Cursed tools are organized by power, and sorcerers can move up the ranks with training and dedication. But if curses aren’t ranked correctly, the lower sorcerers might find themselves up against rivals they can’t handle.
  • The top level that can be attained by following the ranks’ gradual development is Grade 1. Despite their great skill, Grade 1 sorcerers frequently encounter Special Grade curses. Exceptions with unrankable power that are not part of the system are called Special Grades. In Jujutsu Kaisen, Special Grade sorcerers are few and far between.

Jujutsu Kaisen employs a graded system (Grades 1-4 and Special Grades) to classify the strength of sorcerers, cursed spirits, and cursed tools. Grades 4 and 3 represent less experienced sorcerers, Grade 2 is above average, and Grade 1 is the standard for leaders. Special Grades possess extraordinary power, requiring a separate classification.

At Jujutsu High, sorcerers receive assigned rankings and aim to ascend through demonstrations of skill. However, cursed spirits, often misranked, can lead to lower-level sorcerers facing overwhelming opponents. Cursed tools are ranked by power, with higher grades indicating greater effectiveness in battle.

Grades 3 & 4: Average Sorcerers

Nobara Kugisaki, Mai Zenin, Kasumi Miwa (Grade 3); Maki Zenin (Grade 4)
Every Grade In Jujutsu Kaisen Explained - Grades 3 & 4
Every Grade In Jujutsu Kaisen Explained – Grades 3 & 4

The jujutsu sorcerer ranks are based on experience and training. Grade 4 is for the weakest and most inexperienced sorcerers, with Maki Zenin being the only known Grade 4 sorcerer. Grade 3 is the most average of the grades, with sorcerers like Nobara Kugisaki and Katsumi Miwa falling into this rank. They are not allowed to go on solo missions and are usually accompanied by someone of a higher grade.

Cursed spirits are ranked through the same system, with Grade 4 curses being barely a threat and Grade 3 curses being very average. To defeat a Grade 3 curse, all it takes is a simple handgun. The Zenin Clan keeps Maki stuck at a lower grade due to her complicated past.

Grade 2 & Semi-Grade 1: Sorcerers Show Potential

Momo Nishimiya, Panda (Semi-Grade 2); Takuma Ino, Megumi Fushiguro (Grade 2); Toge Inumaki, Noritoshi Kamo, Kokichi Muta, Utahime Iori (Semi-Grade 1)
Every Grade In Jujutsu Kaisen Explained - Grade 2 & Semi-Grade 1
Every Grade In Jujutsu Kaisen Explained – Grade 2 & Semi-Grade 1

Grade 2 in Jujutsu Kaisen signifies a commendable rank granted to sorcerers demonstrating above-average skills. Despite being labeled as lower-ranked, Grade 2 sorcerers, like Megumi Fushiguro, are far from weak. Megumi, a first-year student at Jujutsu High, is a prime example of a Grade 2 sorcerer, showcasing exceptional potential and mastering the Zenin Clan’s 10 Shadows technique. Alongside upperclassman Panda and sorcerer Takuma Ino, these individuals have the strength and capability to embark on solo missions or assist those of lower ranks.

In the realm of promotions, there exists the Semi-Grade 1 rank, an intermediate level between Grades 1 and 2. Sorcerers aspiring for Grade 1 are awarded this rank, having demonstrated their worth by accompanying higher-grade sorcerers on multiple missions. To reach Grade 1, they must undertake a solo mission and successfully exorcise a Grade 1 cursed spirit. Notably, Toge Inumaki, Noritoshi Kamo, and Shoko Iori currently occupy this transitional rank.

However, the hierarchy shifts when it comes to cursed spirits. While most sorcerers wield a cursed technique, not all curses can master this skill. Grade 2 curses lack the ability to use a cursed technique, making them relatively easier for equivalent-grade sorcerers to exorcise. In contrast, curses ranked Semi-Grade 1 or higher pose a more significant threat as they can proficiently employ cursed techniques, elevating the danger they pose to both sorcerers and civilians.

Grade 1: Highest Rank In Jujutsu Kaisen

Kento Nanami, Mei Mei, Aoi Todo, Atsuya Kusakabe, Masamichi Yaga
Every Grade In Jujutsu Kaisen Explained - Grade 1
Every Grade In Jujutsu Kaisen Explained – Grade 1

Grade 1 in the hierarchy of jujutsu is the zenith achieved through natural progression, surpassing even the formidable Special Grade sorcerers. These elite sorcerers set the standards for the discipline, with a notable leap in challenges from Grade 1 to Semi-Grade 1. Grade 1 sorcerers routinely face off against Special Grade curses, requiring exceptional skill, tactical acumen, and battle experience.

One exemplary Grade 1 sorcerer is Kento Namai, renowned for banishing Special Grade curses like the infamous Mahito. Kento’s composed demeanor, extensive experience, and perfected technique make him a formidable force in battles, highlighting the significant skill gap between Grade 1 and Semi-Grade 1 sorcerers.

The strength of Grade 1 cursed spirits poses a formidable challenge, with even a tank struggling against them. These curses, akin to Semi-Grade 1, can wield cursed techniques, although the specifics of Grade 1 curses remain mysterious in the Jujutsu Kaisen anime. Nonetheless, based on established jujutsu principles, it can be inferred that Grade 1 sorcerers possess the prowess to effortlessly dispel Grade 1 curses, mirroring their mastery over Special Grade adversaries.

Special Grades: The Anomalies In The Jujutsu System

Naobito Zenin, Naoya Zenin, Jinichi Zenin, Ogi Zenin (Special Grade 1); Satoru Gojo, Suguru Geto, Yuki Tsukumo, Yuta Okkotsu, Sukuna (Special Grade)
Every Grade In Jujutsu Kaisen Explained - Special Grades
Every Grade In Jujutsu Kaisen Explained – Special Grades

In the intricate world of jujutsu sorcery, there exist outliers known as Special Grade 1 and Special Grade sorcerers, standing beyond the conventional system. Special Grade 1 sorcerers, like elite Zenin Clan members Naoya, Naobito, and Ogi, elude classification within the technical school system, their power rivaling Grade 1 sorcerers. Despite this, the technical hierarchy maintains Grade 1 as the apparent pinnacle, underscoring the exceptional nature of Special Grades. Only four registered Special Grades—Yuki Tsukumo, Suguru Geto, Yuta Okkotsu, and Satoru Gojo—exist, wielding unmatched cursed energy and techniques with immeasurable destructive potential.

Special Grade curses, in parallel, deviate from the norm, resembling humans more closely than their demonic counterparts. Distinguished by their intelligence, these curses, such as Mahito, Hanami, and Jogo, possess the rare ability to form Domain Expansions, a perilous skill even for sorcerers. This extraordinary combination of power and intelligence makes Special Grade sorcerers and curses formidable entities, transcending the conventional limits in the Jujutsu Kaisen universe.

In the jujutsu society of Jujutsu Kaisen, a meticulously structured ranking system ensures missions run smoothly and pairs sorcerers with cursed spirits of suitable challenge. Starting at Grades 3 and 4, sorcerers can climb the ranks through a graduated leveling system, aiming for the coveted Grade 2 and 1 statuses. While this contributes to a stronger overall society, breaking the system to achieve the legendary rank of Special Grade jujutsu sorcerer remains a rare and formidable accomplishment.

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