Huge Anime Crisis Averted - Many Iconic Anime Were Just SavedHuge Anime Crisis Averted - Many Iconic Anime Were Just Saved


  • The newly formed TOHO Archive will be responsible for preserving Tokyo Laboratory’s anime master shots.
  • The preservation of these anime masters will relieve concerns about their potential destruction.
  • Although TOHO’s future plans for the media are uncertain, anime fans can be reassured that the masters will not be lost to history.

TOHO’s recent announcement regarding the preservation of Tokyo Laboratory’s anime master shots comes as a welcome surprise to advocates of media preservation. Despite concerns over the potential destruction of these valuable assets following Tokyo Laboratory’s closure, it has now been confirmed that the newly established TOHO Archive will be responsible for their management. This development brings a sense of relief to fans who were understandably worried after the unsettling announcement made several months ago.

Tokyo Laboratory, a subsidiary of TOHO, ceased its operations at the end of November. Among its various responsibilities was the crucial task of archiving numerous anime productions that had passed through its doors. As per X user Nao Arakawa, TOHO has taken steps to safeguard all unclaimed anime materials previously under the custody of Tokyo Laboratory.

The uncertainty surrounding the fate of these master reels has been put to rest with TOHO’s announcement of a dedicated archival department.

Unclaimed Anime Masters Find Sanctuary in TOHO’s New Archive

In September, it was announced that Tokyo Laboratory’s closure posed a threat to its collection of anime. The company, which specialized in film editing and development, had numerous physical reels that were not claimed by other companies. Following a restructuring aimed at transitioning to digital film, the fate of Tokyo Laboratory’s archive remained uncertain, causing widespread concern. Many feared that if TOHO, the film giant, did not take responsibility for preserving the reels during its switch to digital, countless anime would be lost forever.

The preservation of these masters became such a pressing issue that politician Zenko Kurishita even addressed it on his X account, promising to intervene and emphasizing the historical value of the film masters. Fortunately, sources like AnimeNewsNetwork have reported that TOHO has established the TOHO Archive. This new company will now oversee the management of the unclaimed masters, indicating that their destruction is not a consideration for the film giant. While there are still questions about what TOHO will ultimately do with these media, at least they will be preserved.

Is It A Permanent Solution?

However, a cynical perspective suggests that this may only be a temporary solution, as there is no guarantee that the TOHO Archive itself will not face a similar fate as Tokyo Laboratory. Ultimately, the unclaimed masters represent a financial burden that TOHO is holding on behalf of other parties. Nevertheless, considering that the TOHO Archive was just established this year, it is unlikely that media preservation will be abandoned in the near future. For now, anime fans can take solace in the fact that these works will not be erased from history. This serves as a victory for anime enthusiasts, as Tokyo Laboratory’s closure has been confirmed to have been handled gracefully, with all loose ends tied up.

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