Scott Pilgrim Takes Off Officially Debunks the Original Movie's Biggest Fan TheoryScott Pilgrim Takes Off Officially Debunks the Original Movie's Biggest Fan Theory
  • The anime adaptation of Scott Pilgrim Takes Off debunks the belief that Scott killed the Evil Exes in combat, as it unveils their ability to respawn at their own residence.
  • Fans’ theories regarding the fate of the Exes are shattered as the new anime confirms that they do not meet their demise, contrary to popular belief.
  • Bryan Lee O’Malley, the creator of Scott Pilgrim, had already verified this fact a decade ago, further solidifying the revelation presented in the anime.

A widely circulated theory regarding the Scott Pilgrim movie has recently been definitively debunked in Scott Pilgrim Takes Off, thanks to a clever detail. Despite Scott Pilgrim vs. the World facing financial challenges upon its initial release, it has since achieved cult status, captivating fans with its rapid-fire humor and spectacular action sequences. The long-debated theory questioned whether Scott was genuinely causing the demise of the Evil Exes or merely transforming them into coins during battle. The latest anime installment, in its seventh episode titled “2 Scott 2 Pilgrim,” delves into Scott’s adventures with his older self in the future.

The narrative unfolds to address what Scott was up to while Ramona was on the lookout for him. Surprisingly, Old Scott reveals that he has formed an unlikely friendship with the Katayanagi Twins, contrary to the timeline where he successfully defeated all seven Evil Exes. The revelation comes with the clarification that the Twins never actually perished; instead, they respawned back at their residence. This revelation definitively dispels the lingering ambiguity surrounding Scott’s battles and their consequences.

This revelation unequivocally dismantles any notions fans may have harbored about the Exes’ fate, revealing that they never truly perished; instead, they cyclically returned to their original starting point.

Scott Pilgrim Author’s Revelation: The Story of the Defeated Exes

Scott Pilgrim Author's Revelation: The Story of the Defeated Exes

The fascinating aspect of the recent revelation concerning the destiny of the League of Evil Exes lies in its confirmation of a concept that Scott Pilgrim author Bryan Lee O’Malley had disclosed over a decade prior to the anime’s debut. O’Malley, as conveyed on his Tumblr page RadioMaru, had clarified that post-defeat, the Exes “respawn in their homes, having learned their lesson. CANON.” This latest anime adaptation serves as O’Malley’s deliberate effort to definitively put an end to lingering theories by officially canonizing this narrative element within the Scott Pilgrim universe.

The Exes’ Respawn Canon: A Gateway to Unexplored Enigmas in Scott Pilgrim Takes Off

The Exes' Respawn Canon: A Gateway to Unexplored Enigmas in Scott Pilgrim Takes Off

With the recent debunking of the prevalent theory, the unresolved queries concerning the clash between Scott and the Evil Exes might appear settled. However, a pivotal question lingers, specifically tied to the series’ major plot twist. If Matthew Patel supposedly triumphed over Scott in combat, why did Scott’s comrades hastily assume his demise? In a world where individuals can regenerate after defeat, the commotion at the Rockit should not have been as intense, with friends presuming he could simply respawn at Wallace’s place. Yet, this puzzle finds resolution in a straightforward explanation: Scott stands apart from the Exes and faces genuine mortality in battle.

Scott Pilgrim Takes Off Officially Debunks the Original Movie's Biggest Fan Theory

Diverging from the Evil Exes, Scott’s mortality is evident in both the original comics and the 2010 film, where he succumbs to defeat. His escape from death hinges on acquiring an extra life during his quest to vanquish the Evil Exes. This distinct vulnerability arises perhaps because he is cast as the “hero” in this narrative, blessed with a finite number of “lives” before facing an irreversible game over. While villains possess the ability to respawn and persist in challenging the hero, Scott lacks this privilege. Failing after a predetermined number of attempts leaves him permanently deceased.


Irrespective of the rationale underpinning Scott’s susceptibility to life or death in his universe, the resolution of this long-debated theory is a noteworthy development in the franchise. Previously confined to those privy to O’Malley’s Tumblr page, the truth behind the fate of the defeated Evil Exes is now unveiled to a broader audience through Scott Pilgrim Takes Off. This revelation adds to the brilliance of the entry, teeming with clever details and Easter Eggs, solidifying its status as a pivotal installment in the Scott Pilgrim franchise.

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