Top 10 Comedy Manga of All TimeTop 10 Comedy Manga of All Time

Laughter is a universal language that transcends barriers and brings people together, and what better way to experience hearty chuckles and joyous grins than through the captivating world of manga? Welcome to our exploration of the Top 10 Comedy Manga of All Time, where we embark on a side-splitting journey through the pages of some of the most uproarious and rib-tickling manga titles ever penned. In this laughter-infused expedition, we delve into the remarkable wit, clever humor, and ingenious comedic storytelling that have elevated these manga to iconic status. From witty banter to slapstick hilarity, these manga have carved a special place in our hearts and the annals of comedy.

With each turn of the page, these comedy manga take us on an adventure of giggles and guffaws, showcasing the sheer brilliance of authors who have mastered the art of making us laugh. Laughter is a cathartic experience, and these manga have honed the ability to turn mundane situations into uproarious escapades. Whether it’s the clever wordplay that leaves us grinning or the perfectly timed visual gags that elicit uncontrollable laughter, each manga on our list offers a unique and unforgettable comedic experience. As we delve into the top 10 selections, we’ll unravel the comedic genius behind each series, exploring the diverse ways humor is expressed and appreciated across different narratives and settings. So, buckle up and prepare to be whisked away on a journey filled with laughter, as we celebrate the crème de la crème of comedy manga that have stood the test of time and continue to bring joy to readers of all ages.

One Piece

Top 10 Comedy Manga of All Time - One Piece

At the helm of our list of the Top 10 Comedy Manga of All Time stands the iconic “One Piece,” masterfully crafted by Eiichiro Oda. Renowned worldwide for its grandiose adventures and intricate world-building, “One Piece” is not only an epic saga but also a treasure trove of humor. The camaraderie among the Straw Hat Pirates forms the heart of the series, and Oda’s deft storytelling skillfully weaves comedic moments into their extraordinary journey.

From Luffy’s insatiable appetite and goofy antics to Zoro’s terrible sense of direction, each member of the crew contributes their own brand of comedy to the story. Oda’s witty dialogue and visual gags, often derived from the characters’ distinctive personalities, add layers of amusement that perfectly complement the high-stakes battles and intense plot twists. Through its impeccable blend of epic adventure and lighthearted humor, “One Piece” has rightfully earned its place as a cornerstone in the world of comedy manga, proving that even in the face of danger, laughter is an essential part of the journey.

Monogatari Series: 1st Season

Top 10 Comedy Manga of All Time - Monogatari Series: 1st Season

Unlike many other comedies that rely on visual gags or physical humor, “Monogatari Series” takes a different approach. It’s all about the way characters talk and interact with each other. The main character, Koyomi Araragi, finds himself in strange situations involving supernatural creatures. But what makes this manga hilarious is how he and his friends talk about these odd occurrences. The humor comes from the unexpected ways characters respond to each other and the absurdity of their discussions. So, if you’re looking for a comedy that’s more about brainy banter than slapstick antics, “Monogatari Series: 1st Season” is a must-read.

The witty wordplay and clever exchanges between characters not only make you laugh but also make you think. The series plays with language, cultural references, and even puns to create its unique brand of humor. And it’s not just the main characters who bring the laughs – even the supporting cast contributes to the comedy with their quirky personalities and unexpected reactions. The manga’s ability to turn serious situations into comedic gold is a testament to Nisio Isin’s skill as a writer. “Monogatari Series: 1st Season” isn’t your typical comedy manga, but that’s what makes it stand out.

Monogatari Series: Final Season

Top 10 Comedy Manga of All Time - Monogatari Series: Final Season

The “Monogatari Series: Final Season” is a manga that brings a unique blend of comedy and supernatural elements to the forefront. As the culmination of a captivating story, this series adds a touch of humor to its intense and dramatic moments. The characters, each with their distinct personalities, find themselves in bizarre situations that often lead to unexpected comedic outcomes. Through witty dialogues and clever exchanges, the manga infuses laughter into its intricate narrative, showing that even in the midst of battles and challenges, there’s room for lightheartedness.

What sets “Monogatari Series: Final Season” apart is its ability to use humor as a tool to deepen the emotional connections between characters. The comedy often arises from their interactions, shedding light on their quirks, insecurities, and genuine friendships. As the series reaches its conclusion, the comedic elements remain an integral part of the narrative, reminding us that even in the most dire of circumstances, a good laugh can be a powerful source of strength. Overall, “Monogatari Series: Final Season” is a standout manga that showcases how humor can be seamlessly interwoven with intricate storytelling, making it a deserving addition to the list of the top 10 comedy manga of all time.

My Youth Romantic Comedy

Top 10 Comedy Manga of All Time - My Youth Romantic Comedy

“My Youth Romantic Comedy Is Wrong, As I Expected” by Wataru Watari takes a unique approach to comedy by diving into the thoughts and observations of its main character, Hachiman Hikigaya. Set in a high school setting, the manga navigates the complexities of youth, relationships, and social dynamics with a healthy dose of sarcasm and wit. Hachiman’s pessimistic outlook on life and his knack for delivering brutally honest commentary make him a refreshingly unconventional protagonist. As he becomes entangled in various situations, his interactions with other characters often lead to hilariously awkward moments and unexpected outcomes.

Wataru Watari’s manga also cleverly subverts romantic comedy conventions. Instead of embracing the typical romantic clichés, “My Youth Romantic Comedy Is Wrong, As I Expected” delves into the complexities of human emotions and the misunderstandings that often arise between individuals. The manga explores the dynamics of friendships and relationships, revealing how societal expectations and personal insecurities can lead to comical yet relatable misinterpretations. Hachiman’s interactions with the strong-willed Yukino Yukinoshita and the cheerful Yui Yuigahama result in a series of humorous situations driven by their contrasting personalities. The manga’s ability to balance comedy with moments of introspection and personal growth adds depth to the narrative, creating a truly engaging reading experience.

Grand Blue Dreaming

Top 10 Comedy Manga of All Time - Grand Blue Dreaming

“Grand Blue Dreaming,” created by Kimitake Yoshioka, holds a special place in the realm of comedy manga. This series plunges readers into a world of uproarious laughter and wild college escapades. The story revolves around Iori Kitahara, a university student who gets entangled with a group of fellow divers in his uncle’s diving shop. From the very start, the manga sets a hilarious tone with its exaggerated and quirky characters. The manga’s comedy often centers around Iori’s misadventures, whether it’s his embarrassing encounters, his struggles to maintain his dignity, or his outrageous antics during the diving club’s parties. The unique twist lies in the fact that while diving plays a significant role in the manga, it’s the comedic interactions and the characters’ over-the-top personalities that steal the show.

As the story progresses, readers are treated to a series of comedic misunderstandings, hilarious rivalries, and moments of pure chaos. The characters’ dedication to having a good time often leads them into ludicrous situations, and their reactions to these circumstances are nothing short of side-splitting. It’s this balance between the mundane aspects of college life and the exaggerated comedic elements that sets “Grand Blue Dreaming” apart. Through its comedic lens, the manga captures the essence of young adulthood, friendship, and the pursuit of fun. With each chapter, Kimitake Yoshioka delivers a dose of laughter that resonates with readers, earning its spot as one of the top 10 comedy manga of all time.

One-Punch Man

Top 10 Comedy Manga of All Time - One-Punch Man

“One-Punch Man” is a super funny manga that mixes epic battles with hilarious humor. The main character, Saitama, is a hero who can defeat any opponent with just one punch. He’s incredibly strong, but he’s also incredibly bored because every fight ends too quickly. The funny part is that he’s always hoping for a real challenge, but no villain is strong enough to give him that excitement. He’s just a regular guy who trained so hard that he became too powerful for his own good. This leads to absurd situations where he defeats monsters and villains in the blink of an eye, and other heroes who are supposed to be serious and strong are left in awe of his power.

“One-Punch Man” is not just about the laughs, though. It’s also a clever satire of superhero stories and their conventions. The creators, One and Yusuke Murata, play with the idea of what it means to be a hero and the expectations that come with it. Saitama’s struggle with boredom and his search for meaning in his heroics give the story depth beyond the comedy. The manga also introduces a wide range of eccentric characters, each with their own quirks and motivations. From Genos, the cyborg disciple who wants revenge on a powerful enemy, to Mumen Rider, the bicycle-riding hero who fights for justice even without any special abilities, the characters add layers of humor and heart to the story.

Kaguya Sama

Top 10 Comedy Manga of All Time - Kaguya Sama

“Kaguya Sama: Love Is War,” created by Aka Akasaka, is a standout comedy manga that adds a delightful twist to the world of romance. Set in a prestigious high school, the story revolves around the brilliant and prideful Student Council President, Kaguya Shinomiya, and the equally intelligent Vice President, Miyuki Shirogane. Despite their deep feelings for each other, both Kaguya and Miyuki are too proud to confess their love, leading to a series of hilarious and elaborate mind games to make the other person confess first.

The comedic brilliance of “Kaguya Sama: Love Is War” lies in its ability to find humor in the most mundane and relatable situations. From sharing an umbrella to giving chocolates on Valentine’s Day, the characters’ over-the-top reactions and exaggerated internal monologues turn ordinary moments into uproarious comedic scenes. Kaguya and Miyuki’s pride often leads to absurd misunderstandings, and their efforts to outmaneuver each other lead to comedic scenarios that keep readers laughing. Overall, “Kaguya Sama: Love Is War” stands as a testament to how the complexities of teenage romance can be transformed into a hilarious and heartwarming tale that resonates with readers of all ages.

Great Teacher Onizuka

Top 10 Comedy Manga of All Time - Great Teacher Onizuka

“GTO: Great Teacher Onizuka” is a truly remarkable comedy manga that deserves its spot on the list of the top 10 comedy manga of all time. Created by Tooru Fujisawa, this manga takes us on a hilarious and unconventional journey into the world of education. The story revolves around Eikichi Onizuka, a former biker gang member who becomes a high school teacher. However, he’s no ordinary teacher – his methods are wild, his behavior is outrageous, and his solutions to problems are both comical and effective.

What sets “GTO” apart is its ability to blend humor with genuine moments of growth and connection. Onizuka’s interactions with his students, while humorous, also reveal his genuine care and concern for their well-being. As the manga progresses, readers witness the transformation of both the students and the teacher. The mishaps, misunderstandings, and unconventional lessons all contribute to the comedic charm of the series. “GTO” not only provides laugh-out-loud moments but also captures the essence of the challenges and rewards of teaching.

Yotsuba To

Top 10 Comedy Manga of All Time - Yotsuba To

“Yotsuba To!” by Kiyohiko Azuma is a heartwarming and hilarious manga that finds humor in the everyday adventures of a young and curious girl named Yotsuba. The manga beautifully captures the innocence and wonder of childhood, making it a standout in the comedy genre. Yotsuba’s unfiltered curiosity often leads to comical situations as she navigates through life’s simple pleasures, like discovering air conditioning or trying to make friends with a cicada.

In “Yotsuba To!”, the humor arises from the stark contrast between Yotsuba’s innocent perspective and the world around her. Her unique way of looking at things often leads to hilariously unexpected outcomes, whether it’s mistaking a cardboard box for a robot suit or attempting to master adult tasks like shopping. Yotsuba’s boundless energy and genuine curiosity are infectious, and readers can’t help but be charmed by her antics. The manga’s ability to find comedy in the mundane moments of life, combined with its heartwarming themes of friendship and family, make “Yotsuba To!” a true gem in the world of comedy manga.

Yona Of The Dawn

Top 10 Comedy Manga of All Time - Yona Of The Dawn

“Yona Of The Dawn” by Mizuho Kusanagi takes us on a royal adventure that’s not only epic but surprisingly funny too. The story follows Yona, a sheltered princess who undergoes a transformation from fragile royalty to a strong warrior. Amidst the intense battles and gripping plot, there’s a delightful touch of humor that adds depth to the characters and the narrative.

Yona’s interactions with her companions, each possessing their own unique quirks and personalities, result in comedic exchanges that offer moments of levity. The contrast between her royal upbringing and the challenges she faces creates opportunities for humorous misunderstandings and unexpected reactions. As Yona navigates her way through the complexities of her newfound path, the sprinkling of humor not only lightens the tone but also endears us to the characters. “Yona Of The Dawn” beautifully demonstrates that even in the midst of grand quests and political intrigue, laughter has its own role to play, making it a delightful addition to the realm of comedy manga.


In conclusion, the world of manga has been enriched by a delightful array of humor-infused stories that have stood the test of time. These top 10 comedy manga titles have proven that laughter knows no bounds and can be found in the most unexpected places. From the epic adventures of “One Piece” to the intellectual banter of the “Monogatari Series,” each manga on this list offers a unique flavor of comedy that caters to a wide range of tastes.

Through witty dialogues, clever character dynamics, and uproarious scenarios, these manga have managed to create a lasting impact on readers, transcending cultural and linguistic barriers. Whether it’s the sarcastic observations of “My Youth Romantic Comedy Is Wrong, As I Expected” or the outrageous antics of “Great Teacher Onizuka,” these series have successfully captured the essence of humor in their own distinctive ways.

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